Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Real Life Church has a heart for Missions, both locally and around the world! We have been blessed to sponsor the digging of 18 wells in India along with providing food for 500 families, bicycles and motorbikes for clergy, helping to fund a Bible College building in India. We have partnered with AIM ministries and raised almost $25,000.00 for kids who were rescued from sex trafficking in different parts of the world. We assisted in funding a well being dug and providing Bibles in Kenya. We show God's love to our local community by partnering with the recovery community in hosting Gratitude Gatherings monthly, hosting Megiddo ministry, which helps people with job skills and education in 8-week increments. We sponsor several missionaries and sponsor 5 kids through People-to-People Ministries. We believe in sharing the Faith, Hope, and Love of Jesus!

Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom by praying and giving!
Want to make a difference in Missions? We encourage you to give by praying for the missionaries and donating financially, even if you feel it's a little- God can multiply what we have!